Development and tuning of a chemometric device for the rapid and automatic identification of DOC and DOCG wines from the Campania region and for the valorisation, traceability and defense of the regional enological supply chain.
The W.IDE. Project is aimed at the development and industrialization of a highly technological and automated system based on the analysis of the chemical characteristics of a wine sample, which is able to determine whether or not the wine belongs to a specific class (DOC and DOCG) by the use of specially developed product tables.
The proposed analytical system seeks to transfer the weight of counterfeiting control from the producer to the controlling agencies by providing the latter a useful tool that enables them to classify a wine according to its designation of origin.
The activities carried out in this project range from the development and validation of analytical methods for chemical characterization of different wine varieties, to the market surveys for the maket placement of the product, to the bibliographic study for the selection of the chemical parameters to be investigated.
The aim of the project is to bring benefits for the entire industry of techniques, methods and equipment to combat the phenomenon of food counterfeiting; in this way the consumers will have more confidence in their purchases and, consequently, the wine sector will see an increase in profits.
W.IDE. therefore aims to provide support both for the scientific aspect of the merchandise analysis of wine samples and in terms of competitiveness and profitability of the regional wine industry in relation to the DOC and DOCG sectors.